The Weight of Grace book

In the Fall a Woman’s Thoughts Turn to … Dieting!

by | Sep 22, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

The kids are back in school. The holidays are around the corner. The haphazard non-schedule of summer has gone and the more regimented daily events of fall have commenced. Now would be a really good time to crack down on yourself and get into the groove of a good diet plan, right?

WRONG! Now would be a good time to get into the groove of asking God to help you turn to him more with your stresses, disappointments, and losses. Now would be a good time to seek the guidance of the Spirit to help you listen to your physical hunger rather than to your emotional cravings. Now would be a good time to evaluate the priorities of Christ and contrast them with the priorities of this judge-by-externals world system.

Read Romans 7:7-8 and Colossians 2:20-23 and be reminded of how devastating living by rules can be. Looking for happiness in quick weight loss is looking in the wrong direction. God is not in the business of helping you stick to a diet. He’s in the business of helping you be transformed into the image of his Son, a process that happens on the inside (2 Corinthians 3:18 and 4:16-18).